Social Networking Sites

Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, vine, YouTube, Myspace, etc. are most popular social media sites that have popped up during the 21st century for people to meet, connect, and make acquaintances. Using the social networking sites is quite easy, moreover, it keeps us updated about what is going on in the world, other people’s lives, it reminds us of their important days, and will update you faster than a news channel. Today I will analyze 4 of the most popular social network sites and my input on them.

First, we will talk about famously known and used social network Facebook. Facebook started in 2004 and have become one of the most used and popular sites to attract users worldwide. To me Facebook is very easy to use and is a very great site to connect, engage, meet, and see what happening worldwide all in one platform. One good feature that I like about Facebook, is it allows you to connect with long lost friends and family that’s abroad, making it easier to keep in contact and see them. Also, what I like about Facebook is that you are able to stay updated with what going on in the world, because of the sharing feature and what your friends will post, whether its political, technological, science, etc. you will see it on Facebook and have some knowledge about it even if you don’t watch the news. One thing I don’t like, is the new update that allows so much ads and banners that pop up, during videos and just scrolling through your feed. Overall I think Facebook have earned its bragging rights as one of the top social media site to stay alive for quite some time.

Next, I will talk about Instagram, which is my favorite social media platform to use, and which I feel have popped up on the scene of the media world and flourished. Instagram is a way different platform from many social platform, as you can only post pictures and videos, and follow people that interest your life or lifestyle, as well as they have integrated a messaging me I like the idea of Instagram, it’s more of a creative storytelling platform, that you can use to do so many things, such as, to promote your work, be creative, be an artist, use it to help against social issues and many other things. Instagram allows you also to see what’s happening around the world, in photos, and 30 – 60 seconds video clips, but it usually gets the gist across pretty well. One cool feature about Instagram is their live chat, allows users to go live and can also now add people to talk to on their live chat. Overall I think that Instagram will become more popular than it is today, because its mainly used by millennials and its continuing to grow vastly.

Moreover, another popular social media platform is snapchat. Another personal favorite of mine, that allows you to share your daily life on a story that last for 24 hours then vanishes. It allows you to send images to friends that disappear also after 24 hours, and also you get to follow people that interest you to see what they are up to by viewing their stories. One cool feature about snapchat are their famous snapchat filters, which allows you to add funny creative filters to make your photos look more fun. Personally I think that snapchat was a great tool prior to their recent update which changed the whole interface around and made it a little confusing and inconvenient. I really enjoy the concept of it, and I think it will continue to flourish.

Lastly, another popular social media platform is twitter. Although twitter may seem pretty similar to Facebook and Instagram in many ways, it has big differences, and I personally like it also. I feel as though twitter, makes it easier to see what's trending and whats going on in the world with their famous hash tagging. You can literally hasgtag something you want to know in twitter and it will give you results of what you trying to get to know. I personally like twitter for its convenience, for being able to easily share your thoughts, seeing whats trending easily, following sources thats relatable to you to keep you updated, etc. i think that twitter is a really great concept that allows business and activist to really reach out to their audience and gain their voice, by sharing photos and being and using 140 characters to convey their point. Twitter has kept growing, but it had fell off since the addition of sites such as snapchat and Instagram a to of people had stop using it, but to me its getting more and more popular again. 

Overall, I think all these these sites are great in their own aspect and all have their own advantages and preferred uses. I think they have all played huge role in our society today whether its to promote, stand for something, sharing whats going on in the world, and even for just the fun of posting.  But my personal favorites are Instagram and Snapchat.


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