Blog about Twitter

Twitter and blackboard and in class discussions are three ways to have a very insightful discussion. Although twitter and blackboard platform allow students to post text, have discussions, share ideas and thoughts and other materials, but both do operate in ways that make them more useful than others. Classroom discussion will always be prominent way of having discussions.

Twitter is a social media platform that have gained its popularity, with its ease to post 140 characters, sharing and hash tagging. Twitter allows us to be more responsive to the people we follow and sharing other people tweets. With twitter you can simply post how they are feeling, sparking a thought or opinion about something by hash tagging it and having other people reply their thoughts and opinions by either retweeting their post and commenting on it. Twitter makes it easy to start discussions, because of the ease of access and having the conscience of not worrying about being wrong or right.

As for blackboard discussions, used to create a thread” or topic where participants in the board can post replies or start threads on new topics. We can see our thread that we created for topic and see all the users that have replied and commented with their opinions as well as replying back to others. I personally think that blackboard discussions aren’t simply like twitter discussions; although blackboard gives us no limit on word texts, the ease of twitter use is way easier than blackboard to use. What I like about black board though, is that it allows us to organize our thoughts on a topic in one area for discussion and everyone contribution to everyone thoughts is easily accessible.

Lastly, in class discussions have been the way or interacting and sharing ideas and thoughts way before technological advancements of discussion boards, blogs, and social media platforms. I personally feel this is one of the best way to have discussions, because its live and you get to feel the emotion, the words, and feel what the person is trying to say. With online discussion, you don’t get that level of touch and feeling, you just read what they are saying. But also with in class discussions, it mostly depends on whether students participate and some don’t even care with what going on. Some rather the convenience of twitter and blackboard discussion, because of not having to interact cause they are shy or not good at public speaking. But everyone have their preference, and each way of discussions have its pros and cons and they all benefit the discussion in their own way.


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